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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom CSS code being lost on pagination


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  • Art Munson

    I’m using the Compact Audio Player plugin and using CSS to change the color of the player. I have a problem that when ever I do a search, the first page of results displays the formatting of the player correctly. When I go to any other page in the search results, I lose the color designated in the custom CSS of the audio player and the size of the audio player changes. It’s the same with Ajax on or off.

    If you go here and do a search (or use any of the filters), the first page of search results will be correct. Go to any of other pages and you will see what I mean about the change in the audio player format.

    Trevor Moderator

    Sometimes it is correct, sometimes not. It is not a CSS error. The HTML code for the red one is different than for the grey one. There is stuff missing. Seems like some javascript is not working to create the extra bits. Use the inspector and you will see the difference in HTML structure.

    Art Munson

    Yes, I did use the inspector and noticed that also. Just don’t know where the problem is coming from.

    Trevor Moderator

    Nor me. You may need to reduce the number of plugins to a minimum and see if it still happens. It might also be a caching issue, so if you have any caches active, turn them off.

    Art Munson

    Yep, did all that. Still the same problem.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Art Munson
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Art Munson
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    Trevor Moderator

    I think I may have identified your problem. Your hosting. It is WP Engine.

    The issue may be that WP Engine kills long queries (not time, but literally the string length of the SQL statement).

    To disable it check out this other forum post

    Let me know how you get on.

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