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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search / Filter by product meta data (Woocommerce)

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  • Klaus-Dieter Weber


    I have what is here called “meta data” in woocommerce products (still struggling with all the terms, I thought those are just “custom fields”, but however!).

    The plugin finds my relevant field, but using it in the search form does not work. It contains numbers from 1 to 167, whatever number I add in the combo box, it says “no results match”.

    But I see that the field is correct and accessed in right way in general by the plugin, because I get all values shown when clicking on “auto suggest” in the options for this meta field.

    What’s wrong here?


    (P.S. I don’t find a search function for this forum – would be helpful… ;))

    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Me again – sorry, I figured it out: This meta data is not filled in automatically, it has to be done manually in the options. Understand… that’s a bit different than I was hoping…

    Klaus-Dieter Weber
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus

    A lot going on over here..! So I’ll answer your points below:

    1) Search Forums: – I’m updating this website atm, and one of the things I will make sure to add is a forum-wide search box (I’m actually going to be using S&F 😉 )

    2) Yup the meta data must be updated manually, which is made slightly easier by having the “auto suggest” box. I am planning on adding a “sync” option so that they will update according to the values in your content.

    3) You are looking for a field type that does not exist I’m afraid – a search box is a search box, and what you want is an exact match setting – not a fuzzy search – this will come at some point to the plugin but not for now.

    I believe this is still possible though with Relevanssi – but this would be more advanced usage – try taking a look here:

    Alternatively, as many other people do, I would create a proper catalogue numbering system – one which is not solely reliant on IDs – as an ex: PROD2451 – this way you will find no problems at all using the search how you want.

    The problem you have here is, you want to search for a small number, and you are using fuzzy matching – which isn’t any kind of numeric comparison so you will get lots of incorrect results, using a unique string for a catalogue number (are they supposed to be?) will alleviate your problems 🙂


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Thanks Ross for your quick reply. I was already scared that something that sounds very simple might end up as quite some problem…

    Sadly I do not have the option like you propose. All objects have of course their unique ID = SKU, but the catalogue number (= meta data) is shown in printed catalogues, and starts with “1”. I have to be able to search for them, no other way. Or to say it like that: It must be possible that clients simply add “1” and find the correct object. If in the background some “PROD” is added before (and is stored like that in the products) – fine for me, just no clou how to do that! I might need support from somebody with deeper php skills it seems (deeper than copy&paste :))

    I will check the link you provided for Relevanssi, thanks a lot!

    But sadly no use of your plugin for me, as it seems… 🙁

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus

    Yeah unfortunately the plugin does not use a search field in custom fields (just check the features list) – this is because searching custom fields can be very slow and it has to be programmed properly (likely with caching).

    As mentioned I am working on updates and this sounds like a good feature to add (exact match of custom field).

    Try to work with Relevanssi for now – I’m almost 100% you can make the changes you need.

    What kind of deadlines are you working to?


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Thanks Ross! I need the solution running in 3 weeks… (as mentionend, I did not expect such problems with this topic and did therefore not focus on it in the past).

    I think an enhancement of your plugin could be a seller for you, as it seems to be not easy to find a (not complicated) solution. And some people might like to use something like that only once they realize that it is even possible.

    Actually, it does work with your plugin – only change would have to be a simple text field to enter instead of a dropdown with given values, that would be pretty much it (for me)…

    Following your link provided I see there is a function within Relevanssi to call the search directly. Looking good, but as mentionend, I am no php expert, and this sounds like serious coding. And even further, I would then like to use your plugin to restrtict the result to selected product groups…


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