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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Range Select: Add value at the beginning (text)


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  • Javier Riveros

    Hi there. How can I add a TEXT as the first option in Range Select? I got a price and want to add PRIOCE FROM and PRICE TO as example.
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    Trevor Moderator

    I will forward this to our developer for consideration for V3.

    Javier Riveros

    So there is no way to add that text as initial option in a selector of that post meta element?
    Ufff …. that is complicating me a lot … i need that as “label”
    What abount add currency symbol after each option in my selector? Now it is not “under construction” so i will glad if you can take a look to my form

    Javier Riveros

    Sorry. I dont need it as a label, but as a first select option. Thanks!

    Trevor Moderator

    A range slider is numeric by nature and so only numbers can appear there. The plugin allows for currency symbols before or after the fields already.

    Javier Riveros

    Yeah, thanks, ai Already know that.
    But what about currency symbol not for “value” but for the text element in each option?
    <option value=”1000″>$1.000</option>
    Ando not before hole SELECT

    Is there a way, jquery or way to do that?


    Trevor Moderator

    The Value Prefix option does that, no? It does not alter the value in the option, only the visible text. Where you have the $ sign.

    Javier Riveros

    Value prefix add the symbol before the selector.
    Here is the code I got when I add the value in that field:

    <span class=”sf-range-prefix”>$</span>
    <select class=”sf-input-range-select sf-range-min sf-input-select” name=”_sfm_precio_min[]” title=””>
    <option class=”sf-level-0 sf-option-active” selected=”selected” data-sf-depth=”0″ value=”0″>0</option>

    And then the other options.
    You can see the SYMBOL is not into the option text but BEFORE the whole selector.
    What I expect, again, is to get that symbol inside each option text:

    <option value=”1000″>$1.000</option>


    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, I see. I will show this to the developer. I do not know if this is possible. It may take some days to get a reply. I do not think it is an easy thing to do.

    Javier Riveros


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