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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search Results Template Title

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  • Celeste

    Hello, apologies for the double post but I have two unrelated questions.

    I am using a custom template for my search results page that is an exact duplicate of the regular archive page and taxonomy pages for my products. I have the search form in a partial template that is used in the main archive, taxonomy archives, and search results page. Because of the way the template is structured, the page title is included in this partial template. I am trying to change the page title on the search results page, but am not sure how to target the specific search results archive template. Here is my current code. I would like to add another condition that changes the title to “Lighting Products: Filtered Search” for the search results page.

    <h1 class="product-archive-title">
    echo 'Lighting Products: ' . get_queried_object()->name;
    echo 'Lighting Products';

    I tried activating the settings “Force is_search to always be true?” so I could use the is_search function, but this is causing problems with my search results. When this settings is active no results are returned for any search.

    Any other ideas how to target the search results archive?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Celeste

    You could try:

    global $sf_form_data;
    if ( $sf_form_data->is_valid_form() )
        //do stuff



    Thank you Ross, this worked!

    Ross Moderator


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