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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Page content being pushed into sidebar

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • lineca

    The sidebar which is intended for my search and filter plugin is now pushing all my content from both search results and product pages into it. It gets inserted into <section class=”Post_Content”>. A side effect of this is that my footer starts halfway up my page because it does not recognize any of the children beneath .container -> .row. Any help is appreciated!

    Trevor Moderator

    On what page is this happening? Do you have a link/URL for me to look at?

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    Trevor Moderator

    What theme are you using? It appears to be called linestar, but looks nothing like the commercial linestar theme. If it is not that commercial theme (from themeforest), you will have updates available notices all the time. Click it once to update and all will break.

    If it is your own theme, what template file is being used for this page, and can I see a copy of it (maybe upload to a file sharing site)?

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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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