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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Translate "Submit" button using WPML

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  • Javier Barquero


    I need translate “Submit” buttons using WPML but when I search this string using “String translation” addon in WPML I don´t find nothing. Also I need translate “All” string for my dropdown.

    Thank you very much for your help and best regards.

    Javier Barquero


    Please, can you help me with this? I need to resolve this problem urgently.

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Javier

    Please make sure you are on v 1.4.

    Whats your deadline? I am currently talking with WPML now and they are testing this plugin to get it WPML certified! 🙂

    So if you can wait this would be best, otherwise there is a workaround I know that I can help you setup.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Attaching myself here, as this is also on my todo-list… (beside the other open topic with the exact match search for meta data… ) 😉

    Currently I do not see how it works with WPML. The only strings that can be found in WPML are “next”, “previous” and “error”. I do not see a way how to translate all labels/headings, and the text for the search button.

    As far as I understand WPML logic, I think it would need to be via the translation management, not string translations. For Gravity Forms a separate “glue” plugin exists, showing it as separate type under WPML translation management. Like that you can select forms, and forward them to translation.

    Somewhow I fear that it would have to be similar with S&F, as it is actually also creating something like forms…?

    Javier Barquero


    Thank you for your response.

    Yes, I have installed 1.4 version.

    My problem is the same of Klaus-Dieter-Weber and I need a solution for this month.

    Could you give me an alternative while you are working with WPML support?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Javier

    WPML contacted me last night and said this plugin is certified compatible!

    Soooo.. I’m wondering how they are translating all the text – I have just emailed them to see if they can provide some guidance – I will let you know what they say 🙂


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Javier

    I’m just testing their advice and will get back to you once I know it works – it seems pretty straight forward 🙂


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Javier

    To translate the Search & Filter widget all you need to do is mark Search Filter as ‘translatable’ on WPML Multilingual Content Setup screen.

    Having a look at the latest version this can be found in you dashboard:

    WPML -> Translation Management -> Scroll Down for Custom Posts and set “Search & Filter” to “Translate”.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    sorry for jumping in again instead of Javier – if you prefer, I can open a seperate thread, but my issue is exactly the same.

    I followed your description, however this does not change a lot. After setting this checkbox there is now “search form” to choose under “type” in the translation management – so far, so good! But the only thing that can be translated here is the title of the form – nothing else!

    I checked everywhere, under “string translations” there is “plugin: search filter pro” to be found, but also here only some terms of the plugin itself, no trace of the needed phrases as described above. I also tried using “all contexts” and entering one of the phrases that I used as term under “search for” – no success.

    So, could you either please guide us also the rest of the way (or Javier, in case he was successfull?) or check again if it is really clear between you and the guys from WPML what exactly has to be translated?

    My project has to go life now in one week, and I need a solution for that.


    Javier Barquero

    Hello Ross,

    Thank you very much for your great work!

    I have followed your instructions and now I can create search forms in my other languages. Currently I have only one problem, when I change language in WPML language selector, the search form widget doesn´t change the language. I have to do something else?


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