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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search won´t show stock

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  • Gerardo Verduzco

    Hi, we have a problem, hope someone could help us solve it…
    We are trying to activate our search and filter pro plug in, but we can not seem to make the stock field work,

    In the plug in we go to post meta and select meta key “_stock” but as we do the search it doesn´t show anything?


    Ross Moderator

    Can you explain more what you have done

    Did you goto the post meta tab? Or did you add a field?

    What were the various values/configuration you entered?

    I think with the _stock variable – you have to set its value equal (=) to instock if you are using woocommerce.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hello, thanks for your response…

    let me explain a little bit more, we have our product data base in woocommerce, and we want to be able to search by stock…

    yes, we went into the post meta tab,and selected meta key “_stock” “in stock” (the one you mentioned before) does not appear as an option


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    If you want to show only products with a certain amount of stock you could do this:

    This will show all items that have a stock value of 1 or higher.

    If you want your users to search by amount of stock you would need to add a post meta field to the search form UI.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hello, thank you very much for your answer, I´ve searched everywhere fot that tab “settings & default conditions for this search form” but I can´t find it, I dont know if our version of plug in wont have it, we purchased the Search and Filter Pro Version 1.2.1…

    I attach an image of the only tab we´ve been working on, and the only one we can see,

    thanks again,



    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo – ahhh you must update to the latest version (1.4) 🙂


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hey, thanks again, and sorry to bother you, one question about this, in order to update the plug in we must update wordpress and woocomerce to the latest version as well?

    The issue is that it does not show there is an available update, we´re thinking its because we have old versions of wordpress and woocommerce…

    thanks, regards

    Gerardo Verduzco

    when entering the key and activate any legend appears not only save changes

    Gerardo Verduzco

    I can not activate the license does not appear that this active
    or where I can download the update manually?

    please help me

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    I’ve just emailed you the download directly. Please try activating again after you have installed it.


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