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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro New added custom field now shot in the post meta option of the filter

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  • Trevor Moderator

    For a new field, have you entered any data in any posts for that custom field, or did you simply define the field in ACF?

    phraisohn siripool

    Yes, I added new data with that custom fields. I am not sure that it is a cache or not.

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have a cache on your server or in WordPress? It is most likely that causing this issue. On my test system a new field is seen immediately after I refresh the form design page.

    phraisohn siripool

    Previously , Yes. I install plugin WP super cache. I will delete and see the result 🙂

    Thank you for your advising 🙂

    phraisohn siripool

    Hi. it showing me the custom field in the list now. Thank you very much ^^

    Trevor Moderator

    Also, in the plugin settings, you have this setting disabled Use Background Processes. This should be enabled.

    phraisohn siripool

    Yes, I disable that setting because When I add new form filter to my search form and click update. The cache rebuild will start and take very long time. About 30 minutes! and while it is in processing the search result is not show. So that why I disable it.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. I understand. For production, it should normally be ‘ON’. Can I close this thread now?

    phraisohn siripool

    Yes, this problem is clear now. Thank you so much 🙂

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