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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering no longer works like it use to – 3rd time this has broken

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  • Christian Caballero

    The filter checkboxes on this page ( ) was working fine and it use to allow you to check a GENDER option like “male” then it would REMAIN CHECKED when you select the next area in the EXPERIENCE section, then both would remain checked when you select “AGE”. After every selection the options would refresh and only show relevant options based on the first selected boxes. NOW IT NO LONGER WORKS. Nothing was changed. Nothing was touched. It simply no longer saves the previous checked option and just shows random or all options. I do not have 2 or 3 days to fix this via back and forth email so let me tell you that all system status reports show that everything is ok. All search form status reports also show that there are no potential issues. It took weeks to get this plugin working and i need to have this fixed now please or a refund would be appreciated.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Christian

    I am sorry to hear of your difficulties. You appear to be using the Enfold theme, yes? I am not sure that the Shortcode Display results method is the best to use with Enfold, as I discussed in this thread :

    (some posts in that thread are marked private but do not contain any pertinent discussion).

    As soon as you have had a chance to look at that thread and reply to me, it might be easier to talk?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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