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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Update Search & Filter Pro

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  • Alex Lash


    I’ve recently updated a site that was using an older version of WordPress, and want to know how to update the Search & Filter Pro version that I have so that it is compatible with 4.1. I can’t seem to find where to do so.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Alex

    You just need to make sure your license is activated in WP admin and you should be good to go – updates will appear like regular updates in the plugins page.


    Alex Lash

    I’ve completed that step, but it’s still on version 1.1.8 and not showing me that I need an update. I’ve had permissions issues in the past with WordPress updates. Is there a a way I can get a download of the most recent plugin, so I can upload it via FTP?

    Ross Moderator
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    Alex Lash
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    Ross Moderator
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    Alex Lash
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    Ross Moderator
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    Alex Lash
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    Dan Fiege

    Hey, what actually happened here? I’m having the same issue, Ross. Can’t recall if I’ve crossed this bridge already.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)

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